Design and Develop innovative products
by using the latest available technological advances.

Ever since I can remember I always wanted to be an engineer. To me that was better than being president of the United States. To be an engineer was to guess the world of tomorrow.

  • I
  • Like
  • Code

Well-Educated as a
Computer Science Engineer

Graduated from the University of Technology of Compiègne where I studied the cornerstone of the web development.


Continuous learning and
constant search for perfection

In an high Customer expectations atmosphere for the legal world where User Experience makes the difference.


Thinking out of the box
and run marathon

When I'm not coding or pushing pixels, you'll find me running along the Seine to push my own limits and explore other challenges.

Because the best software is written by teams of programmers working together.

I met a lot of people who have spent a lot of time in providing me mentorship and helping me become an even better developer. Thanks to that, I consistently improve and learn something new every single day.

  • Innovate

    One of the favorite part of my job is to find solutions to real issues by exploring new ways. That also means keeping up to date on latest technologies.

  • Responsive

    Design for Content not for Devices. I really like this approach and I am sure that the WHY is more important than the WHAT for user experience.

  • Coding

    On many occasions I've seriously wondered why my code makes perfect sense while I am writing it but looks like a pile of garbage when I go back to it a few months later. And now I am focused on writing clean, elegant and efficient code.

  • Testing

    Every developer knows they should write unit tests in order to prevent defects from being deployed to production. But since I started working for an insurance company, it has become a part of my life.

  • Deploying

    I really care about DevOps. I am not able to set up an international on-demand video service quite yet, but I need to understand by myself how to create a container, deploy it on servers load-balanced in the cloud.

  • Conferences

    Thousands of developers attend meetups to promote the latest technologies, share ideas, thoughts or experiences and learn from others. I am one of them.

Doing is Primary

I love being a doer and try to build some useful stuff for people. For years I share these projects online.

Feel free to contact me

It doesn't matter what you whant to know, I'll always take the time to answer you